Brand // Print // Digital // Illustration

Mahana, a digital therapeutic platform specializing in evidence-based treatments for individuals with chronic health conditions, approached me to develop a compelling brand and visual identity in anticipation of their Series B funding. While their initial brand had a strong tech and science focus, conversations with the team revealed a misalignment between the brand's perception and its connection with patients. It became evident that the new brand identity would need to foster a genuine human experience and convey care within the digital landscape. After numerous iterations of various iconographic considerations, I arrived at the final logo—an abstraction of a sunrise rising over a reflected horizon.

My aim was to develop a visual identity for Mahana that radiated warmth, trust, and a clear sense of hope for individuals living with chronic conditions.


Mahana successfully raised $61 million dollars in Series B funding, introduced their first FDA-approved treatment for IBS, and launched their treatment app to iOS and Android markets.

I drew inspiration for Mahana's color palette from Georgia O'Keeffe's Black Door with Red painting of her summer home in Abiquiú. This place served as a sanctuary for introspection, reflection, and creativity for O’Keeffe. The paintings of her Abiquiú home not only resonated with me in their sense of self and presence, but also gave me a solid visual foundation to convey the message of wellness that Mahana aims to communicate.

In addition to the logo, color palette, and typefaces, my comprehensive branding package included an assortment of templates designed to empower the Mahana team in crafting engaging social media posts. Furthermore, I created printed collateral to use at trade shows, ensuring a cohesive and impactful presence across both digital and physical spaces.