Brand // Motion // Print // Packaging

In anticipation of the Portland Museum of Art's new main building, I was asked to create a sub-brand for their Art for All initiative that would encompass both its history and the sense of community that this new building will foster.

Looking back at the museum's original blueprints from the 1980s of the current structure that houses its main galleries, the Charles Shipman Payson building, I decided to use the icon triple arches from the front facade as the iconography for this new phase in the PMA's story.

A notable work at the PMA is Tim Rollins and K.O.S.'s A Midsummer Night's Dream, commissioned and completed in 2016. This substantial piece, measuring at 34 x 13 feet, is the first piece that greets visitors as they enter the museum. Though the collection on display and exhibitions rotate on a regular schedule, I wanted to draw colors from a piece that both permanently on display and well-loved by the community.

Three's a crowd, and in the case of museum attendance, crowds are great.


Since introducing the rebrand in 2022, the museum's membership and attendance has increased by more than 28%. The PMA's new visitors and members are reflecting Portland's younger and more diverse community.